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Be very cautious of any agencies that say or require any of the following:

1. They can guarantee you work
2. They require you use a specific photographer for pictures
3. They charge a fee for representation or to be listed with the agency
4. They require you take their classes to be represented.
5. They are your agent and photographer. Most reputable agents are not photographers.


Sometimes companies that call themselves an agency will open locally or travel through Iowa and try to take advantage of people trying to break into the industry by charging outrageous fees for representation, signing fees, inflated photo shoot costs, required classes, etc. These are simply ways for non-legitimate agencies to make money since they are not booking work. As soon as you you give an agency money for representation, they have no incentive to find you work. If a company is advertising on the radio, holding hotel searches, or wandering the malls “recruiting”, it’s usually best to stay away. They’ll always have something to sell you. After all, they have to pay for their travel expenses, hotel bill, advertising expenses, etc. and your money will pay for all that. If a company is not local but they are here recruiting, you should definitely stay away. They don’t have your best interest at heart, only the thought of taking your money. ALWAYS do your research. They should be members of the BBB in Iowa and have actual experience with booking talent, not just placing talent with other agencies in other markets. Simply having a website and/or claiming to be an agent doesn't make someone legitimate.

We book most types of work associated with this industry. Our talent have book commercials, feature films, industrials (corporate training videos), national magazines, company catalogues, fashion shows (runway), informal modeling, print (packaging, posters, brochures, billboards, newspaper ads, web sites, direct mailers, etc.), and promotional work (representing companies at tradeshows, conventions, community events, etc.).

Possibly. Most of the shoots take place in the Des Moines area, although, we do have clients who shoot in other areas of the state. Typically any work booked more than 30 miles from Des Moines will include reimbursement for travel/mileage, but is not always guaranteed.

The looks that are most requested in this market are men and women aged 20's - 60's and children ages 4 - 12 years old. This doesn't mean there are never jobs for teens, younger children and older men/women. There is just less work for these ages. Ethnicity is also very important popular among clients. Bigger markets such as New York, Chicago, or LA are more common markets for the teens to early 20's demographic as well as all other age groups.

We represent ages 4 and up. There isn't a big demand for children under the age of 4 in Iowa. Agencies never know what a baby/toddler will do on set so it's hard to justify charging our client's a fee for them. Plus, it's hard to keep photos current at that age. Most reputable agencies won't represent babies/toddlers. Don't let anyone tell you any different! There are lots of companies that prey on parents of young kids just to get money out of you. NEVER pay someone up front who claims they can get your child work.

Possibly. This is widely dependant on what type of model you want to be and what the current trends are. Certain markets are better for certain types of people. For example, if John Deere is looking for a brunette, young soccer mom look and you are a 19 year old blonde, you will not book the job. Some people dream of modeling swimwear and lingerie but Iowa isn't a strong market for that type of work. You would need to seek representation in a city that caters to that type of work.

No. We can recommend photographers who are experienced in shooting model photography/headshots and do a good job, but you are welcome to use anyone you wish. We will give you ideas that can be passed along to the photographer to ensure you're getting what will market you best. We need to approve the images that we'll actually use to market you with as well. After all, if your photography is unprofessional, it makes us look the same. Your photos are your first impression for jobs, and oftentimes, your only impression. Also, Peak is not a photography studio. We do not shoot your images for you. That's not how reputable agencies work. If your "agent" is also your photographer, you're working with the wrong agency!

Everyone has to start somewhere. The Iowa market is a great place to start as an inexperienced model/actor. Many of today's biggest stars started out as extras and background talent. The best thing you can do is take an indivdual class or workshop, seek out volunteer fashion shows, get involved in your local theatre, or find a book about "commercial modeling and acting."

To answer this question we'd have to be able to tell the future and honestly we're not very good at that! The amount of work you book can vary greatly based on your look, age group, and level of experience. This is why we cannot promise work. Although we don't anticipate you never booking work, the possibility is there. However, if we offer you representation then we do feel confident that your type will be requested at some point.

Rates vary depending on the type of job you are doing, the client's budget, and many other variables associated with the booking. Since Iowa is a smaller market, most models and actors do this part-time or as a hobby. Although possible, you'll rarely find models/actors that do this as a full time career. Models and actors get involved in Iowa because this is something they truly enjoy and have a passion for. It's a good way to make some extra money and for those select few it becomes a stepping stone into the bigger markets outside of Iowa.

Click on the "Representation" link under "For Talent" in the main menu at the top of our web site, or CLICK HERE and follow the instructions.

A few - we'll occasionally get a request for voice over work but our clients typically want the hired model or actor for it. There isn't high enough demand to represent strictly voice over talent.

We do occasionally offer weekend acting workshops but not on a regular basis. Every so often we'll bring a well known instructor/manager in from a bigger market to do a seminar. Email us for more information about other places you can check into for acting classes.

No. We make our money directly off commissions from jobs booked. We typically receive an agency fee from the client and take 20% from the talent's pay. This is how any agency makes its money. Therefore, if we don't feel we can market you in Iowa, we won't represent you. We need people that we feel can book work since that's the only way for us to make money.

Yes, but we consider it an agreement versus a contract. The agreement simply allows us to market you and retain our commissions from jobs you book. Once you make the decision to be represented by Peak, you'll have as much time as you'd like to review. Contracts, or agreements, are very common and standard among all reputable agencies.

This depends on what you consider a portfolio. You will need a portfolio of professoinal images but will not need an actual hardcopy portfolio book. Other, larger markets typically require a portfolio. Our clients don't necessarily need to see a whole portfolio in order to book you. A professional headshot or composite card is ideal for the Iowa market. A composite card/headshot is basically a mini, less expensive portfolio. They are a necessity. Keep in mind, with no materials for us to market you with we'll have no way to sell you to the client. Your photography and composite card/headshot shows your versatility and what you have to offer.

We do not charge any fees for representation, to be on the website, etc. as we work strictly on commission. You will however have an expense in obtaining materials (photography and composite cards/headshots) for Peak to effectively market you. How much you spend on these materials is completely up to you based on where you go for them. More information and examples will be provided when you meet to sign with Peak. You will need to invest in yourself if you want to pursue work as a model or actor. From time to time, we will have opportunities for our talent to gain additional experience, perfect their craft, or pursue additional representation outside of Iowa. If these opportunities cost money, they are OPTIONAL. It is up to you decide what you are willing to invest in yourself just like you would if pursuing a college degree in any other field of work.



The Peak Agency
6150 Village View Dr., Suite 112
West Des Moines, IA 50266



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